Fear: It's What Lies Underneath.


  • Are you a person who says yes to everything because if you didn't, you would be afraid you'd be forgotten and unloved?

  • Is achieving your way of avoiding a sense of worthlessnes?

  • Did you discover that if you dressed or acted in a different/unique way you would get some attention and feel, "They won't forget me now."

These first three types, in a personality system called The Enneagram, have a fear underneath their personality that they are unlovable and unremarkable.

  • Are you an expert observer or investigator trying avoid feeling incapable or inadequate?

  • Maybe you are someone who stays loyal to a cause or person no matter what because if you didn't you would feel a tremendous sense of emptiness and being lost?

  • Is the cup always half full because the pain of seeing the emptiness of the other half is terrifying?

These next three types of The Enneagram got the message in childhood that they were somehow not able to do it (life) right, and they never felt supported in trying. The core lack of trust in themselves drives them to move out of their bodies and into pursuit of other people or things.

  • Do you look for a fight, or challenge others in their beliefs so that you will not be manipulated?

  • Or, are you just the opposite, avoiding conflict like the plague and making sure everyone gets along because of a fear that you will get lost in the chaos?

  • Maybe all of your energy goes into making yourself, your work and your environment perfect, the way it's supposed to be so that you won't feel the fear of being wrong?

These final types of The Enneagram struggle with the underlying fear that the world is out of control and if they don't do what they have to the world will descend into chaos.

In this weeks episode of The Positive Mind, Kevin and Niseema talk about fear and it's paralyzing effect in the lives of all of us. They encourage us to see the patterns of our personalities and the fears underneath them. By slowly going into your fears either through meditation or a therapy session you can begin to discover how fear rules your life and how you can conquer it and live more freely.