The Need: 1 in 5 Adults are Coping with Mental Health Issues

Our society is in the midst of dynamic transformation, where old value systems and support structures are disappearing faster than individuals and families can keep up. Technology is transforming the way we do everything from personal interaction and communications, to how we work, but it is also disrupting important support systems and interrelationships that existed in the past. 

Individuals and families are under immense stress (unspoken) as they try to adapt to the changing pace of this society,  and they need more than ever before, emotional and psychological support in the form of mental health services. Nearly a fifth of all adults in the United States, more than 40 million people, are coping with a mental health problem.

The medical community is realizing that many syndrome based physical diseases are linked to psychological stressors, and as such are increasingly turning to mental health interventions for diseases of the immune, digestive and nervous systems.